So recently I attended a six week program at my church (Life Church) called Chazown. "Everyone ends up somewhere. Few people end up somewhere on purpose."
It amazes me how God places, people, and events in your life in times that you really need them. I was recently (Well semi recently. Time is flying by...) let go from my job, and have been struggling with A. What I really want to be doing with my life and B. Just finding "career" jobs in general. I knew that Chazown was something not only that I wanted to attend, but honestly I really needed that guidance from my Provider because I was becoming discouraged and lost.
Each week we worked to finding what our Chazown was. What He created us to do- and one week we took a Spiritual Gifts Test. I felt like I knew what mine would be, but still it was reassuring to see it mapped out on paper. Now I am not sitting here saying that at age 24- I know what my calling is. I am young- situations change- but its a start right? I am interested in so many things that sometimes it hard to narrow down those interest into something I can physically work toward... What can I say... I'm a Dreamer!
My top gift was a match between Craftsmanship and Music. Second-Faith. Third-Hospitality. Fourth-Prayer. Fifth-Giving.
Anyways- My point here is, I know that being crafty and creating things. Styling. Fashion. Always have and always will be something I am interested in... But HOW AMAZING is it to know that these are things that God has instilled in me. It's something so simple, but when you really think about its just incredible. I sometimes struggle with the fact that careers in these fields are few and far between in Oklahoma- and the majority of them are far beyond my reach on my own. But I pray for the guidance and strength to keep on truckin' and really push for the things I want in my life.
I was inspired to put together a few collages of pictures of crafts and baking I have done within the past years...

So I have no idea what the future holds for me- but I do know that without my faith I would probably be freaking out. haha. Some days I have my breakdowns- but I just pull myself back together and get back to the grind. I want to thank all my friends and family who have been so incredibly supportive and encourage through this time- means more than you will ever know.
If you happen to read this- and have connections with people or know of positions that I may be interested in PLEASE PLEASE send me an email- FB me- Twitter me (Jshroppy)- call me... anything. I am open for suggestions!