This is my best friend Jackson- and today is her 24th birthday. I have been in the mood to bake lately, and FINALLY- I had a reason. I don't enjoy baking as much when there is no one to enjoy my hard work.
You will need - Cake mix, eggs, vegetable oil, Crisco, 1 container of chocolate icing, 1 regular bag of powered sugar, almond-vanilla-butter flavoring, meringue powder, white and regular chocolate (I used almond bark), food coloring, sprinkles, cupcake liners, icing bags, scissors, bowls, utensils, hand mixer, measuring tools, parchment paper, and a cookie sheet.
1. Mix up any flavor of cake mix you enjoy- for this design I picked strawberry since that is Jackson's favorite flavor. I always use a Duncan Hines cake mix- it is more firm, especially if you are wanting to do a cake- add about 1/4 cup of flower, it helps with crumbling. Bake as directed on box.
2. While the mix is cooking- decide how many different color butterflies you want to make. Then take your white chocolate- break up into different bowls for each color. Add another bowl for the regular chocolate. Add about 2 tbs of crisco (more or less- just depends) to each bowl of chocolate- this will make your chocolate thinner, which you want so that it will easily move through your icing bag. Microwave one bowl- along with your regular chocolate for 1 min- stir- for another 30 sec- stir- then about 15 sec more if needed. It should be thin enough to fall easily off your stirring tool- if not add more crisco. Use your best judgement. Then add color to the white.
3. Take two icing bags- fill each with your chocolate... do not cut off the tip of the bag until your about to use them. Take your parchment paper, sprinkles, and bags- place them on a flat workable surface. Take your regular chocolate bag- cut the tip- and begin free handing the outline of each wing of the butterfly. (Look up a picture to guide you if needed) They don't need to be perfect- its your design so just go with it. After- take your colored chocolate bag- cut the tip and fill in your dark outline. These steps need to be done quickly, so you can still move the chocolate before it has the chance to firm up. This is why you want it thinner- but not to thin. After you fill it in- add your sprinkles for a little flair.
4. When the wings have a chance to firm up a little- place them on the cookie sheet- put them in the freezer to harden. Make sure to check on your cupcakes ;))
5. Now- repeat steps 2,3 &4 with each color you have chosen to use for your butterfly wings.
6. I make my own icing- you don't have to. Feel free to by pre-made icing- just add some powdered sugar to it for firmness. If you want to make your own icing- its easy- kinda messy :/
Add 2 cups of crisco- about 1/4 or more cup water, 1 1/4 tsp vanilla flavoring, 1/2 tsp butter flavoring, 1/4 tsp almond flavoring, and 2 tbs of meringue powder into a bowl. Start adding your powdered sugar in little by little. Mixing with your hand mixer as you go.... When the whole bag is poured in and its mixed well... there ya go. Easy :)
7. Separate your icing into bowls depending on however many colors you have going on. Color each bowl with food coloring- place each in an icing bag. Also, open your pre-made chocolate icing- add some powdered sugar- place in an icing bag.
8. Take your cupcakes- ice each cupcake with the coordinating colors. Take the wings out o the freezer and take each side and place them at an angle into the icing on the cupcakes. Then take your chocolate icing bag and either place dots down the middle of the butterfly's body or draw a line. Doesn't matter which you choice!
9. Wala!!! You just made a beautiful, delicious treat in a simple 9 steps!! I'm telling ya- your gonna wanna eat them all- they are so tasty :)
Baking is a lot of fun- But really I love the excitement people get from the outcome... Anything to brighten someone's day. It's always worth the time and work.
Happy Birthday Jackson!!!!
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